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"Split plane rotary bearing" won the patent for utility model
Source:本站 Author:govland Published:2014-10-29 11:39 Reading times:5274

Recently, the company won the state intellectual property office issued "split plane rotary bearing" utility model patent certificate, patent number: ZL 2013 2 0581714.7. 

The scientific and technological achievements, which is made up of people Ceng Kunlong, li wei, HangZhenHong team designed shape technology and a large number of experiments. 

The utility model discloses a plane split slewing bearing, it includes the up and down, as described on the circle and the circle respectively, including two upper half a circle and the lower half circle, Mosaic and between two upper half a circle by connecting screws and taper pin connection, embedded between two lower half a circle by connecting screws and taper pin connection, between circle up and down roller setting. The utility model has simple structure, easy to use, realize the rotary bearing within the limited space of simple installation, ensure the bearing, not only meet the requirements of large-scale machinery, but also to further expand the use of the rotary bearing areas. 

So far, the company accumulated 51 to obtain patents, of which 10 invention patents, utility models, 41, in addition there are 11 patents in accepting, among them 5 invention patents, new utility model 6 items.